SARMS is believed to have the capacity to employ the benefits of anabolic supplements while reducing the side effects of steroids.

  • Non-toxic (won’t cause liver damage)
  • Avoids bone loss (direct action of testosterone in bone thru the AR-mediated conduit is critical for its anabolic effects in bone)
  • Decreases the threat of prostate problems in men without muscle mass loss
  • Won’t impede your HPTA
  • Similar effects with testosterone
  • No estrogen and Dihydrotestosterone (a hydrogen hormone) conversion

For muscle builders, taking SARMS will give:

  • Muscle loss prevention (during the cutting period)
  • Lean muscle development
  • Improved strength
  • Faster injury recovery
  • Joint healing abilities
  • PCT use following anabolics

Let’s a took at a few of these benefits in more detail…

  • Increased muscle strength
  • In the Asian Journal of Andrology, subjects increased muscle strength 20x more than those in the placebo group. Subjects continued to gain strength and size in muscle tissue for up to 5 months but with significant decreases in effectiveness after the 3rd month (Dalton et al, 2014).
  • Increased muscle size
  • Deductive evidence has proven a significant increase in muscle tissue hypertrophy (growth of muscle tissue). Inductive evidence suggests subjects will gain between 3 to 15 lbs of muscle tissue over the a 12 week period (Dubois et al, 2015). SARMS are sold for laboratory research purposes only and not for human consumption.The amount of muscle hypertrophy is dependent on diet, training, and the characteristics of the SARM. Mild SARMs such as MK2866 will range much lower in hypertrophy than more potent SARMs such as RAD140 or LGD4033.


SARMS are sold for laboratory research purposes only and not for human consumption.

Let The Gains Begin