Welcome To The New Site



If you’re reading this then welcome to the new and improved website for APH science, Personal training and supplements. Firstly, allow me to introduce myself, I’m Ash Hobson and owner of APH science. I am 30 years old and have been involved in the fitness industry for as long as I can remember, through football, boxing and weightlifting.


 I went to university of York St John to study Physical Education and Sports coaching and upon finishing my Degree I went to work in behavioural schools as a teaching Assistant and then teacher of Physical Education. Although that career was enjoyable, I always wanted to own my own supplement brand, and in 2018 I finally launched the supplement range alongside the personal training I was doing on an evening. So APH science was born! I have a real passion for the scientific aspect of fitness ad learning how the biological chemistry is key to achieving fitness goals.


The fitness industry is growing year on year and is only going to get bigger. Although as fitness is such a monster in society it also allows idiots to scam people and promise the world from fad diets, supplements and training plans. It’s become too easy for people with no qualifications to advise people online how they’re supposed to be training when they’re either out of shape themselves, copy and pasting their information and have no experience in the industry. APH science vow to provide people with the best products and information/advice from scientific research. I hand write every diet plan/training plan and then type up on the laptop so you can rest assured that the plans you receive are 100% customised for you!



So What about the supplements?

Well, supplements have always been close to my heart and I as like others have always looked for something that will give me the edge in the gym. I have experimented with steroids, sarms, over the counter products, proteins and pre workouts. I have built a huge knowledge of supplements and SARM’s were the one that I latched onto and extensively researched them for over 6 years before I decided to make my own brand. I travelled to South East Asia, to source a supplier, visited the laboratory’s and start to finish packaged my products. Like anything in life, I don’t do things by halves, I made sure the supplements were of the highest quality before I did anything with the marketing and packaging.


The supplements have been tested regularly and every batch is tested for purity and all certifications of purity are available to all clients/customers, no other company does that! I also send them to a third-party Professor’s in Palermo, Italy to be tested again. I do this because I’ve been stung by idiots online promising the world and delivering nothing.



Future Blogs

This a short and sweet blog to kick us off and if you want me to do a blog on anything specific then message me and I will do it.

I am going to be doing a regular Blog regarding all my products, common questions in the fitness industry, fad diets and training tips! These blogs are going to be informative, brutally honest and have an element of humour because who wants to read a boring blog about someone lecturing people. Not me! The future blogs will cover in depth what SARMS are what SARMS are best for bulking, cutting and strength. And in-depth view on specific products such as RAD 140, MK677, Cardarine and Ostarine.



I really hope you enjoy the new website and a huge thank you to Harry who has deigned the website for us at Dabhand group. If you need a website creating, then he is without question the best option out there.


Ash x

Let The Gains Begin